The Handsome Boy
POSTED ON Friday 30 September 2011 AT 01:03
ergh! asal awk ni handsome sgt?
cair sy tau...
~handsome boy~

dh la badan awk tu tegap, 
muka awk putih, 
sporty, trendy,
for me, everything about you is PERFECT...!
tpi syg,...
awk dh ad gf....
hmm... melepas la sy..
tpi xpe... sy x kisah..
cuma sy nk mintak izin skit..
blh x kalau sy nk tgk muka awk lame-2?
sajer jer... 
nk lepaskn rindu... :)
sy x kisah kalau awk x nk tegur sy, or x nk pndg sy, or x nk kwn ngan sy...
asal sy dpt tgk muka awk...

awk nk thu x, dh lame sy suka awk... x prnh sy suka org smpai mcm ni skali.. awk hensem sgt.. muke cute, badan tegap... dh la tu, brgaye plak... sy x nk trlebih mengharap, sbb sy thu awk dh ad gf.. dh la tu, ramai sgt org minat kt awk.. semuenya cntik-2.. x mcm sy.... 


Birth Day~
POSTED ON Saturday 24 September 2011 AT 02:29

Hey guys!

Today is my birthday.. 24 Sept. 11. I’m already 14! Hehe. I’m happy, excited but a little bit sad today. Cuz,

1 : yesterday i didn’t get enough chance and courages to say sorry to Acok.. sorry Acok..
2 : my sis, Alin was not here to celebrate my birthday together with me cuz she is at Penang now. Going for a trip with her school..
3 : my bro, Kimie was not here too. He’s at Terengganu. Actually, dy dh lame x dtg N9.. blajar kt sane..
4 : my parents still didn’t give any present.. hehe.. acah je..
5 : my birthday party supposed to be held today. At the park near public library. But x jdi cuz mummy kerja today..
6 : today, i’m just alone at home with my bro, Mizan. We just hang 5 balloons.. that’s all..

Hmm.. all this make me a little bit sad. But, u know what? All this made my day PERFECT today. Cuz i’ve learn to not sia-siakan my sis and my bro when they’re with me.  Also, i learn to be more brave to mintak sorry ngan org so that i won’t regret on other day. I also learn, actually my parents are already such a PERFECT give from God to me. Without mummy and daddy, i can’t go to school, i can’t eat something best everyday, i can’t get my pocket money, what the most important, without they, i’m not here. And also, i realised, birthday party was not important. The wish is everything. Tq to all person who wish me. Lastly, i’ve become more and more rapat ngan my bro yg satu tu. Even he’s so demanding, i’m still appreciate it. To all people who make my day PERFECT today, tq SO MUCH! I LOVE YOU ALL.!!!!! Oy yes! Tq to all my friends.. you all make me PERFECT too.. especially, LOVES U 2A that are crazy and always make me don’t wanna leave the pretty school, TMS.. This is the most valuable birthday anniversary to me.. i won’t forget this date. 24 Sept. 11..

First and LAST...
POSTED ON Thursday 15 September 2011 AT 20:05
sori, this person was not me.. just pretend like this is me, okayh...sori..
hey guys..!
kalo korg tgk, blog ajee tlah diupdate dgn post yg bnyk dlm 1 hari..
lepas gian...
korg nk thu x, ajee ngan qil telah terpilih utk jdi pngawas bgi sesi 2011/2012..
ajee rse excited sgt sbb mmg ni yg ajee nk sejak kecik lgi..
ramai org kate, jdi pngawas menyusahkan.,,
tpi ajee x.. sbb ajee mmg minat dan NAK SGT2 jdi pngawas..
yeah, ajee mmg mngade-ngade..-thanks-
korg nk thu knape?
sbb jdi pngawas mmbuatkn ajee lebih mengingati dan menyayangi semua kenangan ngan die..
know who?
yes, AJAI...
sbb die merupakan ketua pengawas sy yg paling baik dan paling sy kagumi..
nk thu x, on first day ajee bertugas, ajee dh trima satu dugaan,,...
dugaan ni amat berat..
ajee kn kene jge blok form 3... (ngan Yam)
ajee suruh la budk2 form 3 uh kluar kelas, sbb mmg tu yg cikgu suruh buat...
tpi diorg x nk n diorg ckp mcm ni....-
'buat ap kitorg dgr ckp kau, kau tu budk bwh jer'..
then ad some one yg tengking kitorg..
ok, fine..
faham la ajee yg ajee x payah nk brtugas kt situ lgi..
ajee rse mcm nk nangis...
thu x, mse tu, ajee mmg harap sgt ad AJAI...
hoping that he will be my angel, saving me from that s***...

AJAI, kalau AJAI bce nih, ajee harap AJAI x marah..
ajee just nk ckp, ajee rindu nk gaduh ngan AJAI, 
rindu nk brtugas ngan AJAI, 
rindu nk borak ngan AJAI, 
rindu nk dgr AJAI marah ajee,
rindu nk blanja AJAI keropok kedai luar sklh,
rindu nk duduk sblh AJAI n dgr AJAI citer psl gf AJAI,
rindu segala-galanya...
bile kite blh jumpe?????


i want you back..
i’m always waiting for you..
no matter what happens, i’ll still loving you,..
no matter what changes, my heart won’t..
no matter what in front of me, i’ll always by your side..
no matter how deep you love her, i’ll be still loving you..
listen here my dear,
u’re all i have..
although i’m not everything that u have..
i’ll still loving you..
even if there somebody who is perfect, i think nothing is more perfect than you..
no matter how you hate me, I LOVE YOU,..
what you want, i’ll get it for you..
i don’t care if they say i’m fool,
cause i know I LOVE YOU..
i’ll never had a crush with someone else unless you,
cause i know I LOVE YOU...
you’re everything to me and i hope
i’m everything to you to..
you don’t need to climb a high mountain to get me..
all you need is smlie..
cause u must know,

~my lovely cousy~

Ok guys... this is my cousins.. not all.. but they are my cousins.. i love them all.. they are so meaningful to me.. they make me happy, sad, crazy, pain, and everything.. everything.. nothing that is more important than them.. if it is possible, i want to school at the same school with them, in the same class, living on a same house, eat together always, watch movie together, shopping together, wear the same colur, patterns and size of clothes, play at the theme park together, make-up each other, and make everything together.. never be apart.. cause i really love them.. i can’t make it if when i ‘balik kampung’, they’re not there.. its just like a waste.. what i want is always with my cousins.. always.. forever.. even if i’ve already married, i still wanna do things like above together with my cousin....
My cousins, i love you all very much!


U’re still calling yourself as friend..?
I don’t think so..
U’re the parasite.
And i’m the host..
When u’re sad,
U leave all your sadness to me..
But, when u’re happy,
U share it with her, not me!
What the ****!
U think i’m your dustbin?
U waste your time with her, not me..
You take most of your time to help her..
U call her to say ‘how do yo do?’, but you call me to say, ‘please get me some chicken.. now!’
When you have a chit-chat with me, it’s all the story about her..
It’s all about her!
Her, her, her, her and her..
When is my turn?
Then, u’re not my friend anymore..
I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

POSTED ON Saturday 3 September 2011 AT 22:36

guys!! buln ni, buln syawal.. tahun ni, kitorg beraya at rumah nenek sebelah mak.. not as usual, sebelah ayah.. best!! sbb ad ya ayish, jya-piy, mek bunga, kak dayah, taufiq, hana(nani), mek ngash, miyol, ma(t)dhiah, yana, kepang, n all the mak sedara.. malam rayer tu, kitorg psg mercun.. lawar mercun tu.. tpi sy x dpt tgk semue sbb sy dpt tender bsuh pinggan.. huhu.. cian.. tpi,  lps tu, sy main mercun mancis ngan ma(t)dhiah.. haha.. kitorg baling mercun, then lari jauh-2.. ntah paper r kn.... then, kitorg tgk citer 120km/j ramai-2.. first rayer, kitorg mandi lmbt..! naseb baek sy smpt mndi.. then pegi solat.. meriah giler..! x muat masjid.. sy duk kt luar.. ngan mummy n tok.. org lain pegi lewat sket.. lps tu, kitorg make-up ramai-2 dpn umah.. ajee x make-up sgt.. just mascara, bedak, blusher, celak.. tu je kut.. then, ajee tolong make-upkn ma(t)dhiah.. lps tu, sesi brgmbr.. nnti ajee letak gmbr-2 nya... then, pegi beraya jln kaki.. mak-2 pun ikut.. klaka r lak.. lps tu, tgh hari, ajee blik kampung sebelah ayah pulak.. baru fair.. then, pegi brayer.. mlm tu, ajee ingt x nk pgi berayer lagi dh.. nk tgk nur kasih the movie kt tv3.. tpi, semue org nk pgi berayer,. so, ajee ikut je lar.. trlps nur kasih the movie.. tpi naseb baek cousin ajee ckp citer tu x best.. untung.. dh lh tu ek.. ajee citer psl first day of rayer je la,.. dh x larat.. xpe.. kalau ajee x tulis dlm ni pun, ajee still akan sentiasa ingt semua kenangan rayer tahun ni... rse mcm x nk la brpisah ngan sedare-2 ajee.. k la.. there u go-the gmbr.. k, bye~!