Aiyaiyai....~ Jamuan Kelas ~
POSTED ON Tuesday, 15 November 2011 AT 00:44
knock-knock.... ad org x?
hehe... :)
ok, hari ni, jamuan kelas Ajee... memang GEMPAK r...! semuenya brjln dgn penuh lancar and happening...! ad pengemuda(pengetua), ad PKHEM, and cikgu2 yg ajar kitorg.. bapak best... kitorg mkn KFC tau..! haa... bukn main-main.. kelas lain semue jeles... tu la.. duit kelas x nk bayar.. kitorg mkn piza jgk.... kenyang giler Ajee... siap ad MC lgi.. afig ngan so'ong... then, hashif buat ucapan... mcm ustaz... (suker la tu.. pengemuda asyik puji die je..)pstu, ad award utk plajar... award tau...! sape paling hensem, sape paling cute, sape paling kelakar, sape paling nakal, etc.. acap ngan afiq menang dua..! majoriti undi diorg... xpe la... tu mmg btul2 prangai diorg.. yg paling best, Ajee MC utk award tu.. :D (bangge.)
pstu, bile semua cikgu dh balik, satu kelas brgmbr ngan cikgu az, guru kelas kitorg... mcm2 style ade...! then, cikgu az balik bilik guru... lepas tu, kitorg main musical chair.. bapak best.. Ajee kalah kut.. hehe.. bangge sbb kalah... best! ajee ngan Qil mmg ad chemistry tau.. sbb dua-2 game yg kitorg main, bile Ajee kalah, Qil akan follow.. haha.. hasif suker sgt la... Qil kalah.. hehe.. oklah... Ajee dh x larat nk tulis.. Bye..!
nah... gambar... have fun!
Aiyaiyai....~ Jamuan Kelas ~
POSTED ON Tuesday, 15 November 2011 AT 00:44 \\
knock-knock.... ad org x?
hehe... :)
ok, hari ni, jamuan kelas Ajee... memang GEMPAK r...! semuenya brjln dgn penuh lancar and happening...! ad pengemuda(pengetua), ad PKHEM, and cikgu2 yg ajar kitorg.. bapak best... kitorg mkn KFC tau..! haa... bukn main-main.. kelas lain semue jeles... tu la.. duit kelas x nk bayar.. kitorg mkn piza jgk.... kenyang giler Ajee... siap ad MC lgi.. afig ngan so'ong... then, hashif buat ucapan... mcm ustaz... (suker la tu.. pengemuda asyik puji die je..)pstu, ad award utk plajar... award tau...! sape paling hensem, sape paling cute, sape paling kelakar, sape paling nakal, etc.. acap ngan afiq menang dua..! majoriti undi diorg... xpe la... tu mmg btul2 prangai diorg.. yg paling best, Ajee MC utk award tu.. :D (bangge.)
pstu, bile semua cikgu dh balik, satu kelas brgmbr ngan cikgu az, guru kelas kitorg... mcm2 style ade...! then, cikgu az balik bilik guru... lepas tu, kitorg main musical chair.. bapak best.. Ajee kalah kut.. hehe.. bangge sbb kalah... best! ajee ngan Qil mmg ad chemistry tau.. sbb dua-2 game yg kitorg main, bile Ajee kalah, Qil akan follow.. haha.. hasif suker sgt la... Qil kalah.. hehe.. oklah... Ajee dh x larat nk tulis.. Bye..!
nah... gambar... have fun!
Girl Next Door

A derp who likes food. Major K-pop fan. Still a student though. I am addicted to strawberries, shoes, handsome guys and myself. I like taking photos every fucking time. But I never share it LOL. Favorite color is red, black, grey, every colors on earth. Books are my best friends. The only time they betrayed me was when I thought an author was female then it turns out to be, aloha, male. Enclosed spaces are cozy; I'm weird like that. I dreamed to do everything on my bucket list before I die. I believe in the power of God, anything could happen anytime. Enjoy your life, you only live once. I love Kpop, don't ask why. Not an extrovert, not an introvert either. Be nice to me, I'll be nice to you. I LOVE BOBBY DON'T TOUCH HIM. Well that's all.
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