M to the E to the R to the D to the E to the K to the A
POSTED ON Monday, 15 October 2012 AT 17:31
Yeah! Assalamualaikum. Hai. How do you do? I'm fine, thank you. *jwb sendiri*
haha. Yeah! Kegilaan dan keceriaan kembali! After a while, *is it only a while?* PMR dah habis! OMG. PMR dah habis? Maknanya, Ajee dah besar. Ajee dah besar? Dah habis PMR dah! Eleh, xde lah besar mane. Setakat Form 3 je. Orang lain yang dah habis degree tu pun xdela kecoh mcm ni. hehe. Yeah! Finally, mak saya benarkan saya tidur balik lepas bngun solat. Actually, belum bangun pun lagi, mak dah cakap 'akak, bangun solat dulu. lps tu, nk tidur, tidur la.' hehe. Syoknya! Bnyk benda nk buat nih. Nak update blog, log on Twitter, log on Facebook, and else. Nak gi tengok wayang, tapi xde orang nak teman. Abg ad kat KT lagi. Dia pun exam. Nak gi ngan ayah, confirmla tak. nak gi ngan adik, takkan dua org je. Nak gi ngan kwn, malaslah. Huh... Whatever.
PMR dah habis. Buku dah takyah baca. Novel, wajib baca. Selalunya, couples akan manfaatkan masa lps PMR ni, for dating, and else. Ajee pun nak. Tapi, Ajee lupa! Kite mane ada bf. Kite nk date ngan sape? xde org suka kite pun. xpe. kite date ngan Dongjun, kat Youtube. Sebut psl my sweetheart tu, Dongjun ad act dalam filem. Nak tgk. Tapi jauh la. Kene gi Korea. Eh jap. Filem ke, Drama? x kesah lah. Yg penting, Dongjun ad act.
Jelly la. Tgk org ada bf. Kalau couples dah clash, ayat diorang power2. Ayat Ajee ntah pape. Ajee dah la x prnh couple. Tulis ayat jiwang. tak ke pelik jadinya? Whatever la. The thing is, I'm enjoying my life now, spending the whole time with things that I like. Nnti, nk mkn aiskrim, bace novel, tgk wayang, update blog tiap hari, nk shopping, *er, nocash, no talk* nak pegi Sunway, nak tengok wayang, eh, dah ada dah. ermmm, macam2 lagi lah. Nak take picture bnyk2, nk upload photo bnyk2, and nk pegi jln2 bnyk2. hehe. oh ya, ZE:A ada showcase live in Malaysia. Tapi, Ajee rase mcm x dpt pegi je. Showcase tu kat Kenanga. NAK PEGI! nak pegi sgt2. tapi, like I said just now, NO money, NO talk. hmmm, tgk dlm mimpi je la.
okaylah. kalau ikutkan, bnyk bende lagi nk tulis ni. tapi tangan dh lenguh. bnyk lgi kerja nk kene buat. basuh baju, sidai baju, makan, tgk tv, makan lagi, tgk tv lagi. dan seterusnya lah. hehe. teruk tak? makin gemuk la Ajee nnti. Dah la memang gemuk. okaylah. Chow. Muaahh!
M to the E to the R to the D to the E to the K to the A
POSTED ON Monday, 15 October 2012 AT 17:31 \\
Yeah! Assalamualaikum. Hai. How do you do? I'm fine, thank you. *jwb sendiri*
haha. Yeah! Kegilaan dan keceriaan kembali! After a while, *is it only a while?* PMR dah habis! OMG. PMR dah habis? Maknanya, Ajee dah besar. Ajee dah besar? Dah habis PMR dah! Eleh, xde lah besar mane. Setakat Form 3 je. Orang lain yang dah habis degree tu pun xdela kecoh mcm ni. hehe. Yeah! Finally, mak saya benarkan saya tidur balik lepas bngun solat. Actually, belum bangun pun lagi, mak dah cakap 'akak, bangun solat dulu. lps tu, nk tidur, tidur la.' hehe. Syoknya! Bnyk benda nk buat nih. Nak update blog, log on Twitter, log on Facebook, and else. Nak gi tengok wayang, tapi xde orang nak teman. Abg ad kat KT lagi. Dia pun exam. Nak gi ngan ayah, confirmla tak. nak gi ngan adik, takkan dua org je. Nak gi ngan kwn, malaslah. Huh... Whatever.
PMR dah habis. Buku dah takyah baca. Novel, wajib baca. Selalunya, couples akan manfaatkan masa lps PMR ni, for dating, and else. Ajee pun nak. Tapi, Ajee lupa! Kite mane ada bf. Kite nk date ngan sape? xde org suka kite pun. xpe. kite date ngan Dongjun, kat Youtube. Sebut psl my sweetheart tu, Dongjun ad act dalam filem. Nak tgk. Tapi jauh la. Kene gi Korea. Eh jap. Filem ke, Drama? x kesah lah. Yg penting, Dongjun ad act.
Jelly la. Tgk org ada bf. Kalau couples dah clash, ayat diorang power2. Ayat Ajee ntah pape. Ajee dah la x prnh couple. Tulis ayat jiwang. tak ke pelik jadinya? Whatever la. The thing is, I'm enjoying my life now, spending the whole time with things that I like. Nnti, nk mkn aiskrim, bace novel, tgk wayang, update blog tiap hari, nk shopping, *er, nocash, no talk* nak pegi Sunway, nak tengok wayang, eh, dah ada dah. ermmm, macam2 lagi lah. Nak take picture bnyk2, nk upload photo bnyk2, and nk pegi jln2 bnyk2. hehe. oh ya, ZE:A ada showcase live in Malaysia. Tapi, Ajee rase mcm x dpt pegi je. Showcase tu kat Kenanga. NAK PEGI! nak pegi sgt2. tapi, like I said just now, NO money, NO talk. hmmm, tgk dlm mimpi je la.
okaylah. kalau ikutkan, bnyk bende lagi nk tulis ni. tapi tangan dh lenguh. bnyk lgi kerja nk kene buat. basuh baju, sidai baju, makan, tgk tv, makan lagi, tgk tv lagi. dan seterusnya lah. hehe. teruk tak? makin gemuk la Ajee nnti. Dah la memang gemuk. okaylah. Chow. Muaahh!
Girl Next Door
A derp who likes food. Major K-pop fan. Still a student though. I am addicted to strawberries, shoes, handsome guys and myself. I like taking photos every fucking time. But I never share it LOL. Favorite color is red, black, grey, every colors on earth. Books are my best friends. The only time they betrayed me was when I thought an author was female then it turns out to be, aloha, male. Enclosed spaces are cozy; I'm weird like that. I dreamed to do everything on my bucket list before I die. I believe in the power of God, anything could happen anytime. Enjoy your life, you only live once. I love Kpop, don't ask why. Not an extrovert, not an introvert either. Be nice to me, I'll be nice to you. I LOVE BOBBY DON'T TOUCH HIM. Well that's all.
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