POSTED ON Monday, 15 October 2012 AT 20:08
hey there. just nak share. kalau somebody nak gamekan korang, apa korang rase? annoyed? mad? happy? sad? okay, i feel all of that. i don't want to be played. i'm not a toy. if i am a toy, it must be the cute one. and i have feelings. u know. but, i think i will go on with this. why? because my friend's life is in my hand. if i don't go on with this, my friend will finished. i don't want it end like that. so, i decided to go on and continue to play this game. for now, it don't hurt me. but, once it hurt, i'll get revenge and i'll hurt you more than you think i could. don't mess up with me. and for you, my friend, i never mad at you. i just protecting you right now. so, please be easy with me. thank you. that's all. rosak mood merdeka ajee. huh.