Everything Is In HIS Hand
POSTED ON Monday, 24 March 2014 AT 08:57

Too much too handle lately. With classes all day, all night. With all the problems in the hostel, f***ing problems that we shouldn't get involved. Buang karan je. And with so many things happened globally, you know. About the MH370. The latest news, it's journey is known to end at the southern Indian Ocean. Al-Fatihah to all the passengers' family. May God bless our Muslims family. People, please be tough. Nothing gonna happen if there's no permission from Him. Kun Fayakun. Be tough and accept all the fate that has written for us. Never give up and never stop pray. Sesungguhnya doa itu senjata terkuat orang Islam. With that, I hope you guys will face the days coming with all your heart. Remember, ALLAH will always be with you. #PrayForMH370

With deep sadness that I must inform you with this new data, MH370 ended in the Southern Indian Ocean. -Malaysian’s Prime Minister

with help, MyGoodFriend.