Night Changes
POSTED ON Sunday, 18 January 2015 AT 19:27
Assalamualaikum.. :)
Tahu tak lagu tu? Night changes? Alah, yg 1D nyanyi tu....
Yang ni hah...
Bagi Ajee lagu ni best. Its all bout melodies. I never care about singers or videos actually.
Everything really changes so fast. Ajee dah pindah Terengganu, tak dapat nak jumpa kawan2 TMS. actually bukan tak dapat. boleh je. just its quite difficult now. tak tahu lah, bile dapat nya. jauh. life kat sini sangat awesome. tak pernah rasa sebahagia ini. tapi, sedikit demi sedikit, situation jdi weird. awkward. selama ni, bila cuti baru dapat jumpa cousins. bila cuti PANJANG. correction. so, ni, hari2 jumpa. pastu, bila kita settle our family business, rse mcm awkward jugak sebab nnti mesti aunties uncles tnye. dulu rilek je settle sensorg. pastu, my mom. she's got promotion so her job becomes more tougher. kesian kat mom, kesian kat kitorg. mom selalu balik, muka tension. kat rumah pun, lot of calls. that's why i hate this promotion thing. huh. never mind. i guess my mom just in the suiting in process. you know, bukan senang nak berjaya bertahan selama 23 tahun macam yg mom buat. its like kind of dah jadi darah daging dah.
lagi satu hal yang quite tak puas hati ni. asal sekarang ni dh tak leh buat activities mcm dulu ek? not any activities, just like macam, dulu elok je kayuh basikal ramai2 keliling kampung. sekarang ni, baru duduk atas seat tu, dah kene turun. asal ek? tak boleh ke? kenapa tak boleh? orang lain boleh je. orang lain rilek je. asal sampai Ajee, tak boleh? kenapa?????
quite bosan kat sini. cousins pergi sekolah on mornings. mom dad bro kerja, sis sekolah. i'm alone with Bob. Bob kept sleeping on my bed, tak pernah nak main2 ngan Ajee. asyik mencakor je keje. and, kawan2 masa sekolah rendah dulu, lost contact. quite susah nk contact balik sebab its been 8 tahun since. must be awkward. yg selalu contact pulak, afiq je. afiq plak gi plkn. mane nak dtg lepak. hari tu jumpa Najla, so stupid sebab x amik no. dia. dia ada amik no Ajee, tapi xde contact pun. well, she must be awkward too. nak gi umah yani, tak pernah pulak dibagi. haish. keje kat rumah hari2, lepak tengok tv. layan youtube. stalk orang. uih. penat nak ulang hari2. sapu rumah malas, lap tingkap tak berdaya. lagipun belum raya, tu lah alasan. petang2 bukannya nak workout. habih tu, xde sape nak bagi. Ajee pun x faham. keje pun x dibagi. lesen x amik lagi.
Banyak pulak songeh nya. never mind. like i said just now, we're all in the middle of suiting in. mmg la tempat ni bukn baru. tapi, dah 4 tahun kat nogori tu, mesti bnyk yg dh berubah kat sini. so, the matter of suiting in.
We're only getting older, baby
And I been thinking about it lately
Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes?
Everything that you've ever dreamed of
Disappearing when you wake up
But there's nothing to be afraid of
Even when the night changes
It will never change me and you
That's all from me.
rindu Afiq. rindu Wanie. rindu Quins. rindu Afiq Aiman. rindu Eins. rindu Ghazalie. rindu Qil. rindu sekolah.
Rindu semuanya.
Night Changes
POSTED ON Sunday, 18 January 2015 AT 19:27 \\
Assalamualaikum.. :)
Tahu tak lagu tu? Night changes? Alah, yg 1D nyanyi tu....
Yang ni hah...
Bagi Ajee lagu ni best. Its all bout melodies. I never care about singers or videos actually.
Everything really changes so fast. Ajee dah pindah Terengganu, tak dapat nak jumpa kawan2 TMS. actually bukan tak dapat. boleh je. just its quite difficult now. tak tahu lah, bile dapat nya. jauh. life kat sini sangat awesome. tak pernah rasa sebahagia ini. tapi, sedikit demi sedikit, situation jdi weird. awkward. selama ni, bila cuti baru dapat jumpa cousins. bila cuti PANJANG. correction. so, ni, hari2 jumpa. pastu, bila kita settle our family business, rse mcm awkward jugak sebab nnti mesti aunties uncles tnye. dulu rilek je settle sensorg. pastu, my mom. she's got promotion so her job becomes more tougher. kesian kat mom, kesian kat kitorg. mom selalu balik, muka tension. kat rumah pun, lot of calls. that's why i hate this promotion thing. huh. never mind. i guess my mom just in the suiting in process. you know, bukan senang nak berjaya bertahan selama 23 tahun macam yg mom buat. its like kind of dah jadi darah daging dah.
lagi satu hal yang quite tak puas hati ni. asal sekarang ni dh tak leh buat activities mcm dulu ek? not any activities, just like macam, dulu elok je kayuh basikal ramai2 keliling kampung. sekarang ni, baru duduk atas seat tu, dah kene turun. asal ek? tak boleh ke? kenapa tak boleh? orang lain boleh je. orang lain rilek je. asal sampai Ajee, tak boleh? kenapa?????
quite bosan kat sini. cousins pergi sekolah on mornings. mom dad bro kerja, sis sekolah. i'm alone with Bob. Bob kept sleeping on my bed, tak pernah nak main2 ngan Ajee. asyik mencakor je keje. and, kawan2 masa sekolah rendah dulu, lost contact. quite susah nk contact balik sebab its been 8 tahun since. must be awkward. yg selalu contact pulak, afiq je. afiq plak gi plkn. mane nak dtg lepak. hari tu jumpa Najla, so stupid sebab x amik no. dia. dia ada amik no Ajee, tapi xde contact pun. well, she must be awkward too. nak gi umah yani, tak pernah pulak dibagi. haish. keje kat rumah hari2, lepak tengok tv. layan youtube. stalk orang. uih. penat nak ulang hari2. sapu rumah malas, lap tingkap tak berdaya. lagipun belum raya, tu lah alasan. petang2 bukannya nak workout. habih tu, xde sape nak bagi. Ajee pun x faham. keje pun x dibagi. lesen x amik lagi.
Banyak pulak songeh nya. never mind. like i said just now, we're all in the middle of suiting in. mmg la tempat ni bukn baru. tapi, dah 4 tahun kat nogori tu, mesti bnyk yg dh berubah kat sini. so, the matter of suiting in.
We're only getting older, baby
And I been thinking about it lately
Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes?
Everything that you've ever dreamed of
Disappearing when you wake up
But there's nothing to be afraid of
Even when the night changes
It will never change me and you
That's all from me.
rindu Afiq. rindu Wanie. rindu Quins. rindu Afiq Aiman. rindu Eins. rindu Ghazalie. rindu Qil. rindu sekolah.
Rindu semuanya.
Girl Next Door

A derp who likes food. Major K-pop fan. Still a student though. I am addicted to strawberries, shoes, handsome guys and myself. I like taking photos every fucking time. But I never share it LOL. Favorite color is red, black, grey, every colors on earth. Books are my best friends. The only time they betrayed me was when I thought an author was female then it turns out to be, aloha, male. Enclosed spaces are cozy; I'm weird like that. I dreamed to do everything on my bucket list before I die. I believe in the power of God, anything could happen anytime. Enjoy your life, you only live once. I love Kpop, don't ask why. Not an extrovert, not an introvert either. Be nice to me, I'll be nice to you. I LOVE BOBBY DON'T TOUCH HIM. Well that's all.
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