Confused Again
POSTED ON Monday, 13 April 2015 AT 06:09
So hari ni Ajee check matriks. dapat. Kelantan. Alhamdulillah. tapi serious, Ajee pening nak buat keputusan. whether nak tunggu upu or accept matriks. ad yang cakap matriks bagus, ad yang cakap better asasi. iolls very the pening uolls..
i try lah tnye kakak2 senior yg agak rapat lah. tnye sorg tu, dia bluetickkn kita. huhu, sedih. maybe dia busy. well, IB uolls. lagi sorg plak, tnye kat wechat. sbb xde no fon. then maybe dia x slalu on wechat kan. iolls paham. and iolls dh tak tahu nak tanya sape lagi uolls. iolls bukan macam anis, very the kamcheng with the seniors. and iolls tak kenal ramai. sebab ada setahun je senior pun. iolls x tahu cemane dah.
iolls rse, iolls kene pikir memasak dulu. tapi, better tunggu results upu dulu kan? baru decide kan? sempat kut iolls rase. sebab kan, upu punya results 6 Mei. Matriks masuk 24 Mei. My girls and boys cakap jgn accept dulu. nanti x dapat upu. okay iolls x accept lagi. tapi my family semua macam dah excited bagai. sebab klate is very the dekat. and this is the first results of mine so semua macam excited gila babeng kann. siap nak kosongkan tarikh 24 Mei tu lagih. bapak ah..
anyway, iolls kene clear my mind.doakan yang terbaik untuk iolls. wanie dapat melaka. tadi my dad tanye lah kan, wanie dpt mane. i said, wanie is in a different category. she's definitely lain from me uolls. so thats all from me. i'll catch up later. bye.
Confused Again
POSTED ON Monday, 13 April 2015 AT 06:09 \\
So hari ni Ajee check matriks. dapat. Kelantan. Alhamdulillah. tapi serious, Ajee pening nak buat keputusan. whether nak tunggu upu or accept matriks. ad yang cakap matriks bagus, ad yang cakap better asasi. iolls very the pening uolls..
i try lah tnye kakak2 senior yg agak rapat lah. tnye sorg tu, dia bluetickkn kita. huhu, sedih. maybe dia busy. well, IB uolls. lagi sorg plak, tnye kat wechat. sbb xde no fon. then maybe dia x slalu on wechat kan. iolls paham. and iolls dh tak tahu nak tanya sape lagi uolls. iolls bukan macam anis, very the kamcheng with the seniors. and iolls tak kenal ramai. sebab ada setahun je senior pun. iolls x tahu cemane dah.
iolls rse, iolls kene pikir memasak dulu. tapi, better tunggu results upu dulu kan? baru decide kan? sempat kut iolls rase. sebab kan, upu punya results 6 Mei. Matriks masuk 24 Mei. My girls and boys cakap jgn accept dulu. nanti x dapat upu. okay iolls x accept lagi. tapi my family semua macam dah excited bagai. sebab klate is very the dekat. and this is the first results of mine so semua macam excited gila babeng kann. siap nak kosongkan tarikh 24 Mei tu lagih. bapak ah..
anyway, iolls kene clear my mind.doakan yang terbaik untuk iolls. wanie dapat melaka. tadi my dad tanye lah kan, wanie dpt mane. i said, wanie is in a different category. she's definitely lain from me uolls. so thats all from me. i'll catch up later. bye.
Girl Next Door

A derp who likes food. Major K-pop fan. Still a student though. I am addicted to strawberries, shoes, handsome guys and myself. I like taking photos every fucking time. But I never share it LOL. Favorite color is red, black, grey, every colors on earth. Books are my best friends. The only time they betrayed me was when I thought an author was female then it turns out to be, aloha, male. Enclosed spaces are cozy; I'm weird like that. I dreamed to do everything on my bucket list before I die. I believe in the power of God, anything could happen anytime. Enjoy your life, you only live once. I love Kpop, don't ask why. Not an extrovert, not an introvert either. Be nice to me, I'll be nice to you. I LOVE BOBBY DON'T TOUCH HIM. Well that's all.
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